who is she??
she's weak, she's strong,
she's quiet and loud..
she's fiery yet tamed,
she's patient but waits anxiously..
who is she?
she's angry but self-controlled,
she's yelling and whispering,
she's serious and laughing,
she's bold and shy,
so, who is she??
she's smiling yet full of pain,
she's childish and very mature,
she's quick and slow,
she's sensitive yet bearing..
who is she?!
she's the woman and the girl,
she's the friend and the lover,
she's thinking yet feeling..
who is she!
she's deep and clear,
she's away yet here,
she's seeing here and feeling there,
she's judging and forgiving..
kind and smart,
having big heart yet picky..
"who is she"
she's all that and she's part of everything,
she's talking and she can listen,
she's demanding yet wholly giving,
she's buying and saving..
protecting yet needs protection,
who is she??
"she's all that"..
she is all that