Work brings work ?!
Today i'm quite enthusiastic to write a post! actually today was my first day at work after graduation.. the place is not new for me because i've worked there before during summer.. actually i wont talk about the place, it needs another whole long post, anyway in short, it's a very dear place 2my heart.. but 2day i want 2talk about my feelings on the first day at work after being graduated!..ofcourse it wasnt that strange because of the place familiarity 2me.. but actually the day itself was different because it's the 1st time i stay those long hours working ! and trying 2concentrate and then i get distracted so i try 2concentrate again,,,lol, and continuing the rest of the day after work wth lots 2do too!! :S anyway it was nice, and i began 2retrieve memories wth that work and that place, and people... another thing happened wth me, and i found it hillarious somehow! well since i got the offer 2go back 2work at the office, i found wht people always used 2say ...