
Showing posts from February, 2006

Work brings work ?!

Today i'm quite enthusiastic to write a post! actually today was my first day at work after graduation.. the place is not new for me because i've worked there before during summer.. actually i wont talk about the place, it needs another whole long post, anyway in short, it's a very dear place 2my heart.. but 2day i want 2talk about my feelings on the first day at work after being graduated!..ofcourse it wasnt that strange because of the place familiarity 2me.. but actually the day itself was different because it's the 1st time i stay those long hours working ! and trying 2concentrate and then i get distracted so i try 2concentrate again,,,lol, and continuing the rest of the day after work wth lots 2do too!! :S anyway it was nice, and i began 2retrieve memories wth that work and that place, and people... another thing happened wth me, and i found it hillarious somehow! well since i got the offer 2go back 2work at the office, i found wht people always used 2say ...

Mabroooooooooook My Egypt!

Mabrooooooooooooooook for every Egyptian! it's reallllllyyyyyyyyy great guys that "our land ..our cup" f3lan ! i was dreaming of this cup since our 1st match wth Cote d'Ivoire ! i asked dad quietly.." u think we could make it 2the cup and win??", he was thinking and told me.."it's not that easy!"...i was silent, but deep inside of me, i had a feeling we could make it,,we made it in 1998, why wouldnt we make it in 2006?! although i dont c our players as great ones, as not all of them are very good, plus their fitness compared 2other African teams is not good,,,anyway,,i had a little dream and it became true,,and i'm proud of my country 2day! N.B.."i dont know, but in a way or another, at the end, i felt 2day as if it was meant for Egypt 2win!..because throughout the matches, i was feeling as if there's "magic" companying "Egypt"...we r not playing that gr8, there r other teams better than us in many w...

Happy for Egypt!

أنا مبسوووووووووووووووووطة أوى يا جماعة انهاردة عشان مصر كسبت الماتش :) و نفسى نكسب كمان أكيد البطولة بس حتى لو مكسبنهاش، هيبقى شىء جميل اننا وصلنا لحد الماتش ده.. صحيح أنا مش مثلاً زى الولاد اللى بيموتوا فى الكورة وعندهم هوس بيها، بس الفكرة برضه انى بحس إن بلدى هي اللى بتلعب.. مش عارفه ليه ناس كتير معندهمش انتماء و لو صغير أوى لبلدهم! و أنا بتكلم عموماً يعنى مش بس فى الكورة أو مصر.. المفروض إن الإنتماء ده غريزة فى كل انسان.. علم النفس بيقول كده.. ان الانسان بيحب يحس دايماً انه منتمى لحاجه.. من أول بيوتنا و عائلتنا إلى بلدنا مثلاً و الوطن أو القارة .. إلخ، ده حتى الواحد لما بيشتغل فى مكان لمدة طويلة بيحس انه زى بيته وبيبقى عنده انتماء شديد.. وأعتقد انه حتى لو الانسان حاسس ان بلده دى مش أحلى بلد فى الدنيا ولا أغنى بلد ولا حتى أنظف بلد.. وبيقول مثلاً: هى البلد دى ادتنى ايه؟؟..أعتقد برضه ان البلد اللى الواحد اتربى فيها و فتح عينيه عليها..لازم يحس بالانتماء ليها..زى مثلاً أهالينا كلنا..محدش مثلاً بيختار والده ووالدته و عيلته، ويمكن مايكونوش أحسن ناس ويمكن حتى يكون على خلاف معاهم فى حاجات ...