Bless ! :) may not b smthng new..but i'm writing this new post bcoz i feel i want 2write smthng..i just felt 2day how much i'm blessed..and i appreciate every minute that i live, bcos i'm healthy and able 2do many things,,in addition 2many things in my life,,i have beautiful mum n dad :)and a beautiful home and my own room, i find so many things i can eat everyday,,and can connect 2people through many ways,,as for people,i have many friends, and people who cares 2ask about me and check if i'm ok every now n then,,,guys, i think we should c into everything we r going through..there r soo many things that we take for granted..and consider them "normal 2have"..but actually they r a "bless" specially for each one of us..from God..may b God hasnt got me a job yet 2let my mind think a little about everything in my life, instead of having a busy long day in which i dont c through anything at all..:)i want 2thank a beautiful person i've known lately but seemed 2have known her long ago,,thank u Maha..knowing someone like u is a bless in itself..i wish u the best.. i know my friends may read this post,,so i want 2thank each and every one for being in my life,,and for adding 2my blesses..i wish u all God's gr8 blessings and happiness.. u r part of my happiness.. so, stay well,c u soooon.. Nancy..


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